History & Timeline » History & Timeline

History & Timeline

History and Timeline


This information is a work in progress at all times! If you have any information that would be helpful to us in collecting documentation about our district's history, please contact Cheri Gossett at 270-247-8299.





Mayfield Independent City School District was established on July 1, 1908 with the selection and meeting of its first Board Members, organized by Mr. W.J. Webb.

The first official school year as an independent school district was the 1908-1909 school year.


Schools and their locations at this time were as follows:


Mayfield High School Location: West Walnut Street School Opened Sept. 1908


Dunbar School Location in a home on Water Street (exact address unknown)  


Old W KY College Location: 112 West College (Current location of Mayfield Middle) Mayfield purchased the Old West KY College so that it would not be in competition with the high school. It was owned by the Christian Churches.


West Ward Location: West Broadway  


South Ward Location: Water Street (Between 8th and 9th)  


North Ward Location: North 6th Street (Near Maplewood Cemetary)  



The three “graded wards” were built in 1909 at a cost of $3,500 each. Each one was two story, with eight classrooms, an office and two playrooms in the basement.


Mayfield High School: Moved to Old W KY College Bldng.


West Ward: Washington Location: 1201 W Broadway (behind current building of the old Sparks Elementary School)


South Ward: Longfellow Location: 112 West College (MMS West Parking Lot)


North Ward: Lee Location: Corner of 5th and Indiana Streets


In these grade schools, grades 1-4 were on the first floor; grades 5-6, the library and the kitchen were on the second floor.

These schools were eventually torn down in the early 70’s.

The Mayfield Jaycees took bricks from the old Longfellow school and used them in the building of the concession stand at the fairgrounds.





The new Dunbar school was constructed in the south-west part of town (on the lot where the bus garage was until it was destroyed by the tornado that hit Mayfield December 10, 2021).

This was a two story brick building with the elementary school on the lower level and the high school upstairs.



A new stadium was built behind the high school and dedicated on Nov. 6, 1925 at the Madisonville/Mayfield Game.

Up to this point, games were played at Cyclone Park, which was in the far north corner of what we now know as Maplewood Cemetery.



W.J. Webb Jr. High School Constructed at 112 West College Street. 

T.P. Smith Auditorium and Gymnasium was constructed on South 12th Street by the Dunbar School.





The front section (offices and gym when closed) of Washington Elementary (eventually became Sparks Elementary—1201 West Broadway) was constructed.



East College, Longfellow and Lee Street schools (current buildings) were constructed.

Old Longfellow School (on current MMS campus) was called the Wells building and turned into the Band Building for the High School





The addition of the wing of Washington/Sparks that was closest to 18th street was added

East College added Preschool wing

Longfellow added 3rd grade wing



Dunbar was closed and schools were integrated, by court order.



Early 70’s

Old buildings from 1909 were torn down. Bricks from the old Longfellow school (the one on College Street) were used to build the concession stand at the fairgrounds.



Mayfield High School moved to the new (and current) building and Mayfield Middle School began in the old Webb building.

Ray Warmath was the first principal of MMS.



Washington students were moved to Lee Street School while the library and wing that had “pod” classrooms was built.


Late 70's

Longfellow added 1st grade wing.

Lee Street School was shut down and all students were moved to Washington Elementary.

Lee Street School building was sold to West KY Allied Services.



Beverly Fulks (held Instructional Supervisor position before Leanna Austin) played a major role in reorganizing the city schools so that each building held defined graded levels (East College-preschool/kindergarten; Longfellow-1st-3rd grade; Washington/Sparks-4th-5th grade)



Current MMS building was constructed and opened. All that remained of old building and was remodeled was gym, auditorium and basement.





Washington Elementary was renamed Sparks Elementary after Don W. Sparks, retired Superintendent.





East College, Longfellow and Sparks Elementary were consolidated into Mayfield Elementary Location:1004 Backusburg Road .

We started moving in on August 3rd, 2005.  Students served when the building opened were grades PreK-5th.





A "wing" addition was built on to the back of Mayfield Middle School for the 5th grade. MMS began housing students in grades 5th-8th

and MES began housing students in grades PreK-4th.





March 2020 renovation starts on Mayfield High School; 3 months ahead of schedule due to the school closures that were mandated because of CoVid-19 Pandemic. Renovations weren't completed until the 2023-2024 school year.



December 10, 2021 a tornado devastated Mayfield and destroyed the Bus Garage/Old Dunbar School.  The bus garage was temporarily moved to an old automotive repair shop on Highway 45 North until decisions could be made on rebuilding.



February 2022 the decision was made to rebuild the bus garage on Commerce Drive, a closer proximity to the schools.



March 2023 the decision is made to add two more classrooms to Mayfield Middle School, as well as to enclose the porch to add additional office space and security measures for entry into the school.

Renovations on Mayfield High School are complete, after several  years of renovating during breaks and summers.



January 2024 renovations on MMS are completed (two new classrooms, additional security features, more office space)

January 2024 the old Sparks Elementary School building was demolished, leaving a vacant lot

February 2024 construction on the new bus garage/maintenance building are complete and an open house was held

February 2024 planning moves forward for an Athletic Complex to be built adjacent to the Morris Athletic Facility on MHS property.


Board Offices

First location known of was in the basement of the Whittemore apartments, which were where the Regions Bank in downtown Mayfield was until the tornado in December 2021. That area is now empty, as the entire structure was destroyed.
It then moved to a house at 709 South 8th Street (across from the Mayfield Middle School). This house has since been torn down and the vacant lot has been turned into extra parking for Mayfield Middle School.
In September 2004 the central office staff offices were moved into the old East College school building at 914 East College Street and that became the new Board Office.




C. Burton: 1908-1913

M.Faughender: 1913-1917

R.L. Lector: 1917-1918

A. Young: 1918-1919

D.W. Bridges: 1919-1927

Kenneth R. Patterson: 1927-

Charles I. Henry: 1940-1945

J.O. Lewis: 1945-1949

Marvin Glenn: 1959-1964

J.C. Maddox: 1964-1970

Don W. Sparks: 1970-1994

Lonnie J. Burgett: 1994-2015

Joe S. Henderson: 2015-2024

William (Billy) Edwards: 2024-Present



North Ward/Lee Street  

J.L. Duflot Timeline:1908-

Kitty Andrus Timeline:1927-1928

Jewel Hollifield Timeline:1958-1974


South Ward/Longfellow  

Hattie Veal Timeline:1927-1959

Lucien Smith Timeline:1938-1950

Cleo B. Hendon Timeline:1956-1968

Max Workman Timeline:

Elsie Jones Timeline:

Ruth Carneal Timeline:

Cheryl Gilliam Timeline:


West Ward/Washington/Sparks  

C.L. Spears Timeline:1908-

Amy Orr Timeline:1927-1942

Jimmie Collie Timeline:1949-1951

Jewel Hollifield Timeline:1951-

Elizabeth Wyatt Timeline:1959-1960

Rex Smith Timeline:1967-1988

Bobby McClain Timeline:

Phillip Forester Timeline:

Jeff Hill Timeline:


East College  

Hattie Veal Timeline:1956-1957

Elizabeth Wyatt Timeline:

Jimmy Cagle Timeline:

Bobby McClain Timeline:

Phillip Forester Timeline:

Beverly Offutt Timeline:


Mayfield Elementary  

Jeff Hill Timeline:2005-2017

Heather Dublin Timeline: 2017-Present


W.J. Webb Jr. High School  

O.A. Mitchell Timeline:1956-1957

Bob Pay Timeline:1957-1961


Mayfield Middle School  

Ray C. Warmath Timeline:1974-1988

James “Jim” Almand Timeline:1988-2004

Joe S. Henderson Timeline:2004-2006

Lisa Huddleston Timeline:2006-2008

Ricky Hayes Timeline:2008-2010

Kim Reed Timeline:2010-2019

Kelly Stinson Timeline:2019-2021

Antonio Sherrill Timeline: 2021-Present


Mayfield High School  

William Pennington Timeline:1908-1911

Charles Cannon Timeline:1911-

??? Boy Timeline:

Ray Ross Timeline:-1923

Kenneth R. Patterson Timeline:1923-1927

Ray Ross Timeline:1934-1936

J.P. Glasgow Timeline:1938-1940

C.R. Uphoff Timeline:1940-1941

S.W. Douthitt Timeline:1943-1947

Harry M. Sparks Timeline:1947-1949

Raymond Herndon Timeline:1949-1951

J.O. Lewis Timeline:1951-1953

Florence Wyman Timeline:1953-1954

Paul Craig Timeline:1954-1955

Bob Fiser Timeline:1957-1959

Barkley Jones Timeline:1959-1970

Barney Thweatt Timeline:1970-1973

Ralph Colby Timeline:1973-1989

Joe David Smith Timeline:1989-1997

Steve Traynham Timeline:1997-2005

Anthony Hatchell Timeline:2005- 2011

Don Hubbard Timeline:2011-2016

Billy Edwards Timeline:2016-2024

Matt McMain Timeline: 2024-Present


Dunbar School Principals  

Fred Stiger Timeline:1938-1954

Unknown Timeline:1954-1966


Other Admin/Directors/Coordinators


Instructional Supervisors/Assistant Superintendents
Ruth Carneal
Beverly Offutt
Joe Henderson


Director of Pupil Personnel

Vickie Smith

Troy Brock

Gavin Thompson

Kelly Stinson


District Technology Coordinators/Chief Information Officer

Beverly Offutt 1993-1997

Cheri Gossett 1997-Present


Directors of Maintenance and Grounds

George Glover

Randy Smith

Mark Rogers

Directors of Transportation
Randy Smith
Angela Bell

Directors of Food Service
Karen Falder
Leah Feagin

Directors of Special Education
Martha Thomas
Dave Puckett
Mirada Reed
Keely Phillips
Erin Morehead