Technology » Student User Agreement Form

Student User Agreement Form


To be signed before using the Mayfield Independent School District’s network or devices

STUDENT’S NAME ______________________|___________________________|______________

LAST FIRST                                      MIDDLE



PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (PRINTED) ______________________|___________________________|______________


This agreement is binding until one of the following termination procedures is followed:

  1. By written request of the user and/or parent or legal guardian of a user.
  2. The user is no longer a student in the Mayfield Independent School District.
  3. The rights of the user are terminated by the Mayfield Independent School District.
  4. The Acceptable Use Policy is revised, requiring a new User Agreement Form to be executed by all users.
  5. The district requests the User Agreement Form be signed again, for any reason.

Once a minimum period of 30 days has passed, after one of the above termination procedures has been followed, the user’s account will be deleted. This means the user will no longer have access to email through the school network and all email remaining in the user’s account will be permanently deleted.

REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: As the parent or legal guardian of the student (under 18) signing below, I grant permission for my child to access networked computer services such as district provided devices,  electronic mail and the Internet. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes; however, I also recognize that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable, and I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use by setting and conveying standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing, researching, or exploring electronic information and media.

Consent for Use: By signing this form, you hereby accept and agree that your child’s rights to use the electronic resources provided by the District, and/or the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in District policy/procedure. Please also be advised that data stored in relation to such services is managed by the District pursuant to policy 08.2323 and accompanying procedures/agreements. You also understand that the e-mail address provided to your child can also be used to access other electronic services or technologies that may or may not be sponsored by the District, which provide features such as online storage, online communications and collaborations, and instant messaging. Use of those services is subject to either standard consumer terms of use or a standard consent model. Data stored in those systems, where applicable, may be managed pursuant to the agreement between KDE and designated service providers or between the end user and the service provider. Before your child can use online services, he/she must accept the service agreement and, in certain cases, obtain your consent.

This document requires the signature of a parent/guardian.  Signing this document signifies that the person signing this document (whether physically or digitally during the registration process) will explain what they have signed to the student they are signing for. This explanation will ensure the student understands what is expected of them and what is allowed/not allowed on district owned devices and the district’s network, as well as the district’s expectations when using personally owned devices.  The district will also cover these materials with students during the school year, along with the nine elements of good digital citizenship. To read and review the full Acceptable Use Agreement  document, please visit our website at

SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN ________________________________________________ DATE __________________